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If your servers' hardware is struggling because of recent increased capacity, then this could be the moment to try cloud computing. Reduced Costs in the Long-term Timing is the key to switching to cloud computing.


If you want more detail then upgrade to another SolarWinds product called. The key to this gadget is read the screen showing how a VM instance would map to one of 3 cloud providers, Amazon EC2, Windows Azure or Rackspace.


Installing the SolarWinds VM-to-Cloud software is straightforward, just provide IP address es of your VM servers, and an administrator's name and password. Even if you are not migrating just yet this freeware utility will give you a baseline, which you could use later. It's interesting to just see what it would cost to switch to cloud computing.

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Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Cloud computing reminds me of this saying by Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860 All truth passes through three stages. As a bonus this free cloud migration calculator for VMware tool recalculates its estimates if you add more Virtual Machines to your network. From the results you get a comparison of the costs of switching to cloud servers at: Amazon EC2, Windows Azure, and Rackspace Cloud Servers. Since the SolarWinds VM-to-Cloud Calculator is free what have you to lose? Get your download now. SolarWinds VM-to-Cloud Calculator Review SolarWinds Free VM-to-Cloud Calculator What this calculator does is discover all of your virtual machines and then estimates the cost of migrating them to a cloud on Rackspace, or Windows Azure.


Guy recommends: Install a ticket-based help desk system from SolarWinds. After the install completes, Calculator launches, and you are ready to begin. Fewer IT Staff If you are about to hire more techies, then why not switch to cloud and save those salaries. At the back-end SQL analyzes the components of these web-based actions. This free utility is designed for IT pros who are curious to estimate what it would cost to move their servers to the cloud. Finally, it's obvious, but I have to mention it, having someone else to physically house your servers saves office space, and also fractionally reduces running costs such as electricity bills.

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Since the SolarWinds VM-to-Cloud Calculator is free what have you to lose? The best way to evaluate this cloud calculator utility is to watch this YouTube clip. However, if you have just bought a rack of new servers then this is not a good time for me to suggest that you ditch them! Please report a broken link, or an error to.

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